Save the date! Saturday 15th June: May Bumps Garden Party (see email for details)


Abi Smith (President)

Despite a continuing string of bad weather leading to the cancellation of the several races, QCBC has had a great term. Following the arrival of the new shell, W1 had a successful race at Hammersmith Head, and many of our new seniors had their first taste of racing on the Cam (following the disruption last term).


In a term filled with an exceptional number of yellow and red flags, the Lent Bumps lower divisions and Getting-on-Race were unfortunately cancelled. This meant Queen’s had a much smaller entry for bumps this term than we have become used to in recent years, with M3 and W3 unable to race. Although it was not our most successful bumps in terms of quantity – the quality of the bumps achieved certainly made up for it. W1 achieved the first over bump in the Lent’s first division in 5 years on day 3, and M2 demonstrated fantastic improvement throughout the week from some unfortunate crabs on day 2 to an incredible bump on day 4. We celebrated, as usual, with a great Lent Bumps BCD. For more detailed reports of each crew’s week, please see Gus and Leena’s reports below.


Excitingly, we took delivery of the new women’s VIII at the start of this term. The new shell (yet to be named), has already made a huge impact on the side – and is faring very well on the Cam. The smooth run of the shell and it’s great steering on tight Cam corners have allowed the crew to build on a stable platform.

We are incredibly grateful to the donors who made this purchase possible. On behalf of everyone at QCBC, I cannot thank you enough. We look forward to inviting the donors to the Boat Naming Ceremony later this academic year.


QCBC was represented by three members in the latest Boat Races. Brett Taylor (2020) was the 6-seat of Goldie; Beanie Spain (2020) was the 5-seat of Blondie and Ben Harding (2021) coxed the Lightweight Men’s Boat (which also featured QCBC Alumni and former Men’s Captain Fred Markanday). Beanie and Ben only began to learn to row and cox (respectively) at QCBC at the beginning of their degrees before deciding to trial. We are enormously proud of Brett, Beanie, Ben and Ulrika for all their efforts throughout the gruelling trialling process this year.


After all the excitement of a week 6 Lent Bumps, the two sides are beginning to turn their attention to Easter term. This year we are once again returning to Reading for our training camp from the 15th to 19th April, and preparations are well underway. We are also looking forward to the annual May Bumps Garden Party on the 15th June, for which invites should be circulated shortly – we’d love anyone who can make it there!

As ever, if you have any thoughts or questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch (queens.captain@cucbc.org)! I’d love to hear from you.


Leena Mueller-Koegler (Women’s Captain)

QCBC Women’s side hit the ground running in Lent Term, with a strong retention of keen novices and enthusiastic seniors from Michaelmas term. Preseason saw the smooth integration of the ex-novices into the senior squad. We held an informal training camp on the Cam, allowing for full focus on making improvements before settling into crews.

Newnham Head

W1 - 10th in W1 division category

Newnham Head took place on 3rd February, just days after Lent Crews were finalised. Having only had two outings as a crew before Newnham Head, and racing for the first time in the new Filippi 8+ shell, W1 were keen to set a benchmark time for their term. Racing in the first division of the day, W1 were at the boathouse bright and early for their race, and keen to make an impact. The crew executed the race-plan well, sticking well to the technical foci we had been working on for the preceding week. The crew completed the 2km course in a time of 08:52 against a strong headwind, 10th in the W1 category. This race was a strong showing of the potential of the crew and a good benchmark to start the term.

W2 - 12th in W2 division category

W2 started Lent Term with a bang! With five keen novices on board for the race, the crew was determined to use the race as a learning experience and spring-board for their development over the course of the term. Racing in the same category as several W1 crews, W2 went flying off the start, holding their speed well around the corners and maintaining their intent for the duration of the course. The crew completed the 2km course in a time of 09:13, coming 12th in their category and 4th out of the W2s in the women’s second division. A promising start to the term!

Hammersmith Head

W1 – 3rd in WClub 8+ category

In the first off-cam adventure for several in the crew, W1 took to the tideway in the Filippi’s first off-cam road-trip. With the Tideway having endured weeks of yellow and red boards, everyone’s fingers were crossed that the race would go ahead. As luck would have it, on Sunday 18th February, the sun was shining in London and the race went ahead. With very streamy conditions, the crew kept their wits about them during marshalling, and lined up for the start excited for the race. With a glorious headwind and making sure to stay in the stream, the crew maintained a glorious average 1:26.5 split, flying down the course, with a fantastic sprint in the last 750m! With a time of 11:49.9 for the 4.4km race, finishing 3rd in the WClub 8+ category! This average base speed and endurance was a promising sign for the upcoming bumps campaign and for WeHoRR, which sadly went forwards with a reduced draw without Oxbridge college crews. Many thanks to our super sub Rosie Aylard (Mays W1 2023) for the rescue when our stroke-seat Millie was taken out by illness in the days before the race.

Lent Bumps

W1 - 14th in Division 1, +1 W2 - 3rd in Division 3, -4

After an eventful term on the Cam, with flooding and both yellow and red flags, as well as the cancellation of the Getting On Race and several divisions of bumps, W1 and W2 were excited to take to the river for Bumps. As always, many thanks to our wonderful bank parties, Evie, Tarrion, Abi, Lucy, Rosie, Ed and the wonderful Dr Robin Walker.

W2 had a strong campaign, and the result (-4) does not reflect the strength of racing, improvements, and challenges that the crew overcame during their training and campaign. Thanks to our wonderful super subs, Beitong, Eleanor and Sophie from W3 who came to the rescue in times of injury, and thanks to whom the crew was able to race the full bumps campaign. The crew is looking forward to their revenge bumps in Mays.

W1 racing in Lent Bumps

W1 experienced the full range of bumping scenarios in their campaign. Day 1 saw the crew barrelling down towards Plough Reach, achieving overlap on Sidney W1, who held on and bumped Christs W1 ahead. This meant W1 had to hold it up and extricate themselves from the inside line on Sidney before restarting their race and trying for the over-bump on Fitz W1 ahead, gaining several lengths but ultimately rowing over. Day 2 saw the crew gaining whistles on Christ’s W1 ahead, but sadly being bumped by Catz W1, in whose bumps story W1 was to play a significant part. Going into Day 3, W1 knew Catz would bump Christ’s ahead, and prepared themselves for the over-bump on Fitz W1. With the motivation of avenging last year’s Lent W1, and in a bump that was years in the making, a jubilant W1 executed the over-bump on Fitz on the long reach with just under 1km of the course to spare! This meant that on Day 4 we lined up ahead of Catz W1 (on for blades) again, who we managed to hold off for twice as long as we did on Day 2, showing our improvement across the course of the week. Overall W1 ended their Lent Bumps campaign +1.

Womens' 1st VIII
Womens' 2nd VIII

The Talbott Cup

W3 - Cox: Abigail Rice, Stroke: Beitong Gao, 7: Natasha Symes, 6: Chiara Dello, 5: Ruqing Lyu 4: Sadia Jussab, 3: Ellie Cawston 2: Emily Cullen, Bow: Sophie Barlow

Sadly, our W3 were not able to race bumps, but instead raced at the Talbott Cup in the last week of term. The crew was fully comprised of people who had only learnt to row and cox in Michaelmas and put in a phenomenal effort. Sadly, they were pipped to the post by a faster crew in the first round, but thoroughly enjoyed being able to race after a term of cancellations. The crew is looking forward to training camp and an amazing Mays Campaign in the sunshine.


The strength and determination of the side has been on full display this term. In the face of a classic Lent term of illness, injury and bad weather, the squad has shown incredible resilience. The entire side has made incredible progress, learning from each other and demonstrating great teamwork. Queens’ is lucky to have such a fabulously friendly and enthusiastic squad - I am really looking forward to taking the side from strength to strength.


Gus Molyneux (Men’s Captain)

The men’s side returned to Cambridge early to begin training again while the Cam remained quiet. The first two days were focused on the M1crew from the previous term with the following 3 days for mixed outings for the whole squad which proved very valuable for the juniors. The camp concluded with a 2k test which provided a good opportunity for everyone to get competitive and see how much their fitness had improved over the break. Pleasingly, there were many PBs.

We were delighted that almost all the novices from Michaelmas were keen to stay on, meaning we could set 3 crews. The line-up in M1 remained very similar to the previous term with a few new faces in Brian (Cox) and two of the most impressive juniors from the camp. M2 and M3 were formed from the remaining juniors.

Pembroke Regatta

M2- first round loss to Girton M1 M1 – first round loss to LMBC M1

Both M1 and M2 entered Pembroke regatta, a side-by-side race along long reach. Due to significant weather disruption in the first part of term, many of the divisions of the regatta were cancelled at short notice. Fortunately, given M2’s relatively high position on the river they remained on the draw. In the first round they drew Girton M1. Queens’ M2 produced a strong row but were ultimately knocked out but the more experienced crew from Girton. Later in the afternoon, Queens’ M1 lined up against LMBC M1 in the first round. Producing a powerful start, the crew held level for the first part of long reach however LMBC began to find their stride and move up. The crew fought hard but were no match for the crew that would go onto retain headship in the Lents. Result: Loss by 3 lengths.

Lent Bumps

Overall results: M1 -3, M2 -1

Lent term saw significant stretches of time under yellow flag, with the river flooded and the stream very high. As a boat in the 3rd Division, M2 struggled under these conditions to reach the 12 outings requirement – scraping in at the last minute with 2 outings on the final Monday before racing began on Tuesday. Onto the racing itself - M2 struggled to gain a footing in the first few days, being bumped by Magdalene M2 on day 1 and quickly caught on day 2 after a spectacular couple of crabs. Building from this experience though, with the full crew returned, they managed to row over on day 3 and catch Clare M2 on day 4 just outside the Plough. Overall, this was a good result for the crew leaving M2 within reaching distance of the 2nd Division and its related benefits for future years. Overall Result: Down 1

Unencumbered by yellow flags, M1 had been much more fortunate with their number of outings in the lead up to bumps week. M1 chased First and Third on day 1 and were chased by Kings M1. Having focussed heavily on starts in training, the crew performed well from the gun but were caught off-guard by the significant chop through the motorway bridge and the outflow which took significant speed off the boat. Nonetheless they managed to hold off Kings M1 who were caught before first post corner. The crew was unable to close the gap on First and Third and rowed over. Day 2 saw the crew perform much better into the first minute of the race, holding together through the challenging conditions. That said, Emmanuel M1 (who were on for blades) began closing along First Post reach and Queens’ were unable to respond, being bumped before First Post corner. Aiming for a row over on day 3 and being chased by Robinson, the crew knew the task ahead of them. Robinson held distance along First Post reach but began to close on Queens’ into the Gut, bumping just past Grassy corner. Finally, on day 4, Queens’ lined up ahead of St Catherine’s M1 (who had performed well all week). Despite producing another strong performance Queens’ was simply outmatched and caught again before First Post corner. Overall Result: Down 3


Head of the River Race

Whilst W1 were unable to race WeHoRR due to a reduced draw, a crew made up of members of M1 and M2 won the battle with tideway flags, and were able to race at HoRR on the 23rd March. Boating out of Barn Elms, the crew set out to complete the 6.8km course in good spirits. The final time was a solid 19:33.6, placing M1 just inside the top 200 (196 out of 324) and 24th in the Medium Academic Pennant category. For the majority of the crew, this was their first chance racing off-cam and their first experience of the tideway, which they all thoroughly enjoyed.



While perhaps the performances of the crews this term were not what we may have hoped for, everyone who rowed/coxed this term gained a significant amount of valuable rowing experience and (I hope) enjoyed themselves despite the weather. The side remains excited for training camp in Reading over Easter and the sunshine of Mays next term.