Result: Technical row over (stopped right before motorway bridge)

Queens’ M3 had decent row up with several good bursts and practice starts on the way. We knew that Sidney Sussex were the sandwich boat behind us and our plan was to go for the bump (King’s) or row over, with slim chances of being bumped as Sidney Sussex had rowed over in the previous division and would have been well spent.

The crew was nervous but excited to race in our first ever bump. This showed in our first few strokes, which wasn’t our best performance. Just as we started to clean up our strokes around the first corner, a pile up 2 boats ahead of us stopped us in our path.

After a good amount of waiting, umpires decided that we would get a technical row over today as they deemed that we weren’t gaining on Kings fast enough for a bump. Sidney Sussex were also given a row over, while King’s and Fitzwilliam (the boat in front of King’s) re-rowed. King’s broke a blade during the re-row and positions have remained the same.

Queens’ will gun down King’s tomorrow and will be chased by Sidney Sussex unless they get bumped by Caius, which may very well happen.