Qergs is always a long and stressful day for the senior members of the boathouse as the Qergs Presidents rally all the troops and make them all help-out with the set-up, marshal, and clear up the whole event. On top of this, a mixed senior crew enters the competition. This year, it was made up of women’s captain Georgie, Anna, Billie, Lea, men’s captain Peter, Balint, Lex and Allister. They all warmed up in the empty Fitzpatrick hall between events, slightly dreading the race. The division was announced as the first rower sat on the erg. The start looked unpromising as Lea went up again some of the other colleges’ men, but as the relay progressed, Queens’ put on a solid performance. As the last rower got onto the erg, we were in a good position to make the top three. Luckily, Balint was our last rower and he exploded out of the start, pulling an incredible 1:21 split! The rest of the crew along with 5 or 6 coxes were screaming and shouting hoping that he would not burn out. By miracle he didn’t and he rowed Queens’ to victory! Cheers resonated in the hall as the home team took the gold medal! A truly deserved triumph for a crew that left everything on the erg.
Report by Léa Gansser-Potts